
Filtered by: Contract Lifecycle Management
Businessman Looks Up At Red Ladder Extending Into The Cloudsdemonstrate the title Vertical Specific CLM Software Isnt Specific Enough for GovCon

Vertical-Specific CLM Software Isn’t Specific Enough for GovCon

Posted by on June 26, 2024 1:26 pm

The Vertical-Specific Buzz: What Does It Really Mean? “Vertical-specific” is a buzzword that’s been making the rounds when exploring GovCon contract lifecycle management (CLM) software. But what does “vertical-specific” even mean? In theory, it refers to software designed to meet the unique needs of a particular industry, like government contracting. The idea is that organizations […]

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Categories:  Contract Lifecycle Management
One red door with three blue doors highlighted that is illustrative of illustrative of the title Choosing the Right CLM for GovCon More Than Checking Boxes

Choosing the Right CLM for GovCon: More Than Checking Boxes

Posted by on May 1, 2024 8:33 am

Selecting a Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) system is like choosing a new member for your team. It’s not just about filling a seat; it’s about finding a player who understands the unique playbook of GovCon—from FAR clauses to complex subcontractor agreements. In a game where precision and compliance are paramount, the right CLM system doesn’t […]

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Categories:  Contract Lifecycle Management

Top 5 Mistakes When Integrating Systems with a CLM

Posted by on March 14, 2024 1:18 pm

Integrating Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) systems with other essential business platforms—such as ERP and financial systems—has left teams with some battle scars in government contracting. Despite the clarity of the objective—to create a seamless operational framework—achieving this integration often proves to be a frustrating and time-consuming task. Here are five common pitfalls GovCons encounter when […]

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Categories:  Contract Lifecycle Management
Two people sitting in Chairs and discussing GovCons Back Office Wisdom

GovCon Back Office Wisdom: Year in Review

Posted by on February 15, 2024 12:34 pm

A year ago, I embarked on a journey with Unison, bringing a suitcase filled with experiences in introducing new technology to the government – from cybersecurity to Data Analytics and Data Security software. But here’s the twist: many times, in my career, contracting has been pigeonholed into the big, cumbersome elephant in the room, often […]

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Categories:  Cost Engineering Contract Lifecycle Management
Buy vs build dilemma scale balancing the dilemma in GovCon Contract Management sphere in balance This is a 3d render illustration

Striking Balance: The Build vs Buy Dilemma in GovCon Contract Management

Posted by on January 22, 2024 12:21 pm

GovCon companies are often at a crossroads when deciding on technological solutions. Do they build a custom system from scratch or buy an off-the-shelf product? This decision isn’t just about choosing software; it’s about setting the course for your business’s future and growth in a highly competitive market. The Build Option: Total Control with a […]

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Categories:  Contract Lifecycle Management