
Businessman Looks Up At Red Ladder Extending Into The Cloudsdemonstrate the title Vertical Specific CLM Software Isnt Specific Enough for GovCon

Vertical-Specific CLM Software Isn’t Specific Enough for GovCon

Posted by on June 26, 2024 1:26 pm

The Vertical-Specific Buzz: What Does It Really Mean? “Vertical-specific” is a buzzword that’s been making the rounds when exploring GovCon contract lifecycle management (CLM) software. But what does “vertical-specific” even mean? In theory, it refers to software designed to meet the unique needs of a particular industry, like government contracting. The idea is that organizations […]

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Categories:  Contract Lifecycle Management
Picture of electronic car that is illustrative of the title A Bumpy Road Estimating Software Costs in the Automotive Industry

A Bumpy Road: Estimating Software Costs in the Automotive Industry

Posted by on June 12, 2024 9:36 pm

As the automotive industry speeds towards a future dominated by electric and autonomous vehicles, the role of software has become crucial—and problematic. Recent issues at General Motors (GM) and other car manufacturers highlight the growing pains and financial hurdles of integrating complex software into vehicles. Examining these challenges reveals the importance of producing reliable software […]

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Categories:  Cost Engineering
Long term drought image that is decorative and illustrates the blog title Software Scarcity Why is Federal Budgeting Software as Elusive as a Full Year Appropriation

Software Scarcity: Why is Federal Budgeting Software as Elusive as a Full-Year Appropriation?

Posted by on June 5, 2024 7:51 am

Ever wonder why there are so few software solutions built for federal budgeting? The scarcity isn’t due to a lack of demand or interest but reflects the unique complexities and mechanics inherent in federal budgeting and planning. After all, appropriators and budgeteers have developed a special dialect to set policy in motion. From traversing the […]

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Categories:  Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting
Illustrative image of care driving with data trail behind it to represent the blog title Automotive Software Development Costs A Cost Engineering Guide

Automotive Software Development Costs: A Cost Engineering Guide

Posted by on May 3, 2024 1:32 pm

The automotive industry is one of the most complex industries in the world, with multiple (and sometimes competing) factors affecting its performance, not the least of which include technological advancement, environmental regulations, and competition. As a result, manufacturers must ensure they deliver products that stay abreast of disruptive trends, meet regulatory requirements and consumer expectations, […]

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Categories:  Cost Engineering
One red door with three blue doors highlighted that is illustrative of illustrative of the title Choosing the Right CLM for GovCon More Than Checking Boxes

Choosing the Right CLM for GovCon: More Than Checking Boxes

Posted by on May 1, 2024 8:33 am

Selecting a Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) system is like choosing a new member for your team. It’s not just about filling a seat; it’s about finding a player who understands the unique playbook of GovCon—from FAR clauses to complex subcontractor agreements. In a game where precision and compliance are paramount, the right CLM system doesn’t […]

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Categories:  Contract Lifecycle Management