Jul 14, 2021

Pathfinder Navigates Efficiently Through the Contracting Process

Posted by Unison

Many of the impacts to the federal workforce created by the pandemic are here to stay. Fifty-nine percent of employees teleworked every workday during the peak of the pandemic compared to 3% who teleworked every workday before the pandemic. Philip McNamara, assistant secretary for administration for Transportation, speaking about some of the smaller agencies and offices within DOT has said “… giving them [a teleworking] option … would allow them to recruit top talent.”Training and maintaining competency within a remote workforce can be difficult. Unison Pathfinder helps the acquisition workforce stay organized and trained especially for virtual and remote workers. With Pathfinder you can map the procurement process through dynamic content that explains the core contracting processes from requirements development through contract closeout. Pathfinder streamlines training interns, new hires, and mid-careerists in different contracting methodologies while promoting consistency and compliance through the entire acquisition lifecycle.Pathfinder supports the use of standardized sets of policies, processes and procedures which promote consistency and compliance through a holistic contracting environment. Following policy-prescribed processes and on-the-job training to maintain acquisition workforce certifications are an essential component to building a strong team. Pathfinder grants users customizable process routes and 24/7 access to the complete set of current policies, processes, and procedures. With Pathfinder you can streamline your contracting process while gaining more efficient, effective, and consistent training. You can expect to have improved communication between contracting and acquisition personnel after implementation.The underlying processes will be a series of policies, processes, and procedures that detail:

  • Why a process is required
  • Who performs what activities
  • Appropriate steps to complete each required activity

These standardized sets of policies, processes and procedures for the entire acquisition enterprise will promote consistency and compliance through the entire lifecycle. As previously mentioned, Pathfinder can be used to help train interns, new hires, and mid-careerists in different contracting methodologies as part of any workforce development program providing increased developmental opportunities for the contracting workforce.Following policy-prescribed processes and on-the-job training to maintain acquisition workforce certifications are an essential component to building a strong team. Pathfinder supports this initiative via:

  • Customizable process routes
  • 24/7 access to the complete set of current policies, processes, and procedures
  • Best practices, cautions, and lessons learned

The benefits gained from the development of this application to map the holistic contracting environment are substantial.

  • Streamline the contracting process
  • Improved communication between contracting and acquisition personnel
  • More efficient, effective, and consistent training

Pathfinder has been designed to help the acquisition workforce navigate the acquisition lifecycle quickly and efficiently even while remote working. The application maps the procurement process through dynamic content that explains the core contracting processes from requirements development through contract closeout.Get started with PathfinderLEARN MORE

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